Posts Tagged ‘Dungeons of Fear’

Dungeons of Fear – Welcome to the dungeon, we’ve got fun and games…

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Mar24b All right, all right, I know… it’s “Welcome to the jungle” … but I’m speaking of the dungeon.  The DUNGEON OF FEAR!  I mean DUNGEONS OF FEAR!  As in many dungeons, as in plural.  Dungeons of Fear is a text based game, and a website, by Brian Sauer.  Teh greatest website EVAR!  Okay, so I exaggerate.  I went to this guy’s page, and saw all these games he had on there, and that impressed me.  Am I’m not easily impressed… (Tin foil? ooooh shiny!) – wait wait, I said I’m not easily impressed, and said nothing about not being easily distracted.  “Ooh string!”  If one looks at the website, one doesn’t think much of it.  When one looks at the games on the website, one doesn’t think much of it.  However, the one thing that’s really hard for aspiring game developers is to finish games. 
