Archive for the ‘retro’ Category

Titan Attacks – Only Futurama’s Fry can save us now!

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

Apr14 “Invaders! Possibly from space!”, exclaimed Leela.

“People of Earth, I am Lrrr of the planet Nintendoo-64.  Tremble in fear at our three different kinds of ships!”, said the alien leader as if it were a statement of fact.

“Alright.  It’s Saturday night, I have no date, a two-liter bottle of Shasta and my all-Rush mix tape!  Let’s Rock!!”  Fry looked up at the alien horde and then got down to business.  Listening to Rush’s Tom Sawyer Fry managed to start blasting aliens by moving his giant war vehicle left and right with arcade like precision.

Meanwhile in the lead alien ship,  The second in command possibly Lrrr’s wife shouts, “We’re losing ships sir! What are your orders?!”  “Increase speed, drop down, and reverse direction!” shouted Lrrr in reply!

Fry continued to blast the alien retinue.


Jumping Jack’son – I’m Jumping Jack’son, it’s a gas, gas, gas!

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Apr09Before there were guitar hero’s and dance revolutions there was Dance Aerobics a relatively obscure NES game that had you hit buttons on the “power pad” (much like Dance, Dance, Revolution).  Before that there was Simon in like the 70’s.  You know you had to hit the lit but tons in the exact order they played, and it would play notes.  I guess that’s the first rhythm game.  Of course I went too far back, so let’s jump back after Simon, after Dance Aerobics and before what is arguably called the first influential music game to a game called Jumping Jackson by Infogrames.  Of course I am not reviewing that game, I’m reviewing a remake for the retro remakes competition.  It’s called, guess what?  Jumping Jack’son! It’s by Puzzle House Finland  Okay so there’s a little difference in the name spelling.  Actually after looking at screenshots it looks pretty faithful.
