Everyone loves Mario! You do, don’t you? You know Mario, the little Italian plumber from a series of games from Nintendo that goes back to the ancient Donkey Kong, and still 20-30 years later we’re still enjoying him. You know, Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, and on and on. Spin-offs of spin-offs, tv shows, and what have you, he’s become almost as recognized as Mickey Mouse the world over, and maybe even surpassed (I can’t remember but I might have read an article where he surpassed Mickey as the most famous fictional character), but I digress… There’s been a ton of fan games and rip offs. Now let’s talk a little bit about cats. Okay so they’re not as exciting. But a lot of us love cats, take the characters in John Wizard Game’s Dawn’s Light for instance, or Cat Ladies. So it makes some sense that someone, somewhere would create a game that has both CAT and MARIO elements. It’s by some Japanese person, whom I don’t even know the name of because I can’t read Japanese. This only makes sense though because Nintendo is a Japanese company. What makes this game unique though (aside from the fact that you play a cat in what looks like a rip off of Super Mario Bros)? You’re about to find out…
Cat Mario! (Syobon Action?)
November 24th, 2009Shameless Plug: My Game “Hypno-Joe” Part 4
November 23rd, 2009Okay at this point I was doing walk animations. Hand drawn at first using paper, and then eventually using a program a friend had made. I’ve decided since they are nothing but short paragraphs each with animation, I would put all 4 previous posts here. They’re all walk cycles, and Joe doesn’t really look right in each one but still there’s some of my lame skill. A quick note, I don’t know what happened to animation number 2… I think I had done it but had not put up a post about it.
10 interesting links time!
November 22nd, 20091) How to respond to a video game review, by Jim Sterling of Destructoid
2) Roomba + Pac-Man = interesting link via nizmlab.com
3) 100 years of movie SFX in 5 minutes! Sci-Fi artist Marty Dolan
4) A video about computer graphics in Star Wars (not what you think)
5) Making games faster, Sirlin.net’s take on a Flashbang Studios Presentation
6) Mafia Wars CEO brags about scamming users, via The Consumerist
7) Have your little rebel sleep in a Tauntaun sleeping bag from ThinkGeek
8) VBS.TV talks about the PAX Gaming Expo 2009 (warning: some language)
9) Video of a “4k” demo (Just click it, it’s cool)
10) Can D.I.Y. Supplant the First-Person Shooter? in The New York Times online