November 10th, 2009

Nov09 Dude… Wait, what?   Today’s game review is a browser-based game called Cat, Cat, Watermelon!  It’s by Lexaloffle, don’t you know?  Yep… Good old Cat, Cat, Watermelon.  It’s about umm Cats and… oh… Watermelons.  Apparently there are more than just cats and watermelons to this game… there are also beach balls and umm… bowls.  and… more things… that you can stack.  Can you stack all the objects without it toppling over?  I’m sure there are a ton of objects in this physics-based game.  What?  You mean I didn’t tell you it was physics-based?  Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle (I think I used that line before, blame the 80’s GI Joe cartoon)

Since I didn’t have a video of the game and since you can actually play it on the web (no downloading or anything!) I’ve decided to give you an idea of the game with this video…  Trust me there really is a game review after the video.

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10 interesting links, again

November 8th, 2009

An incorrect gamer tattoo, looks like something a gamer wouldn’t screw up, but apparently the tattoo artist did.

Linux users show their love for the indie game.  Apparently the Linux version of Koonsolo’s Mystic Mine had the highest conversion rate, and the Windows version had the lowest.

Video of Greg Pattillo on flute (beat-boxing on the flute no less) and Eric Stephenson on cello do a little impromptu performance underground at the west 4th street station in the middle of Greenwich village in New York.

Microsoft’s multi-touch mice via Tech Flash “Seattles Technology News Source”.  Use multiple fingers to manipulate stuff on screen.  These are prototypes, but interesting none-the-less.

Virtual Bubble-Wrap.  ‘Nuff said.

USB Thumb Drive – More than meets the eye.

Unreal Development Kit – “Experience the power and potential of Unreal Engine 3. Create amazing games, lifelike scenes and fantastic worlds… for free

Youtube user’s ortolson’s channel.  Looks like indie games I’ve never heard of, but he does playthrough’s of these indie games.

Find voices for your project “for free”.  Now that doesn’t mean free voices, it means using the service to find voice acting is free.  But still nice to have it all in one place.

Bird drops baguette, shuts down Large Hadron Collider (really).

Preview: Awesome Soccer

November 7th, 2009

Awesome Soccer is Awesome.  Okay our next preview is a soccer game called Awesome Soccer by Red27 Studios.  You know what I played that as a kid for about a year or something in grade school.  There was this one game where I managed to score a goal, and it actually got in the paper (this was in Georgia like in the 80’s)  when I was i don’t know 3-4-5th grade.  Ever since then I liked soccer pretty good.  Of course now I don’t play and I don’t watch even though I dig the game.  But that’s another story for another day.  Here’s what Awesome Soccer is about

Awesome Soccer features a superb after-touch system that allows you complete control over the swerve of the ball…you can even bend it in both directions!  Score spectacular goals the great Roberto Carlos would be proud of!”

I mean how Awesome is that?!?

Check out the awesome screenies:

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