Toon Crisis – On the rails and off your rocker!

May 1st, 2009

May01 Remember on-the-rails light gun shooters like Virtua Cop and The House of the Dead?  Good ol’ rail shooters from times past where all you had to think of was point and shoot.  Or like umm… let’s say Time Crisis, where you actually had a time limit.  Yes those were fun days.  I don’t know if they’re popular nowadays, as I haven’t been in an arcade in years, but it would seem that type of game would be well suited to a mouse.  Let’s changes gears for a second now, have you ever wanted to blast some toons, no I didn’t say “blast some tunes”, I mean you could do that if you want, but that’s not what I mean.  I mean blast some toons as in CARtoons.  Well I don’t mean an emphasis on car, as this has nothing to do with cars.  I mean animated cartoon characters.  Have you wanted to shoot them?  Sure we all have.  Well what does today’s flash game have in common with shooting cartoon characters and Time Crisis?  Well actually nothing other than the name.  Oh yeah it’s a “rail” shooter as well except using the mouse.

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Zatikon – Jazz it up with Zatikon!

April 30th, 2009

Apr30 Or is that Jazz it up with Zatarain’s?  We’re not talking about rice.  We’re talking about the new game Zatikon from Chronic Logic.  Chronic Logic is the company that made Gish, or at least I think so.  Actually when you look at their website they have a lot of games, more than most companies that have been in the business for as long as they have.  Apparently according to Wikipedia they also publish (or is that distribute) indie games from other authors.  It’s cool though, I’m fairly certain Zatikon is a Chronic Logic Original.  They’re so awesome they’ve got their own MobyGames entry!  Or at least they must be awesome, because not everyone has an entry on MobyGames ;-)  And why the heck am I gushing, I don’t even really know the company.  I played the Gish demo like once (before I was reviewing games) and found it too odd for my tastes.  Okay okay, so what is Zatikon?  It’s some sort of strategy game, like chess (but not really like chess) or Stratego (okay maybe more like that, umm I don’t know).  Let’s find out about this interesting game.

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(xblig) Adventurer Pets HD – Platforming Pets better get the Vet!

April 29th, 2009

Apr29 Sometimes you just want some straight-up platforming action, and that’s what Adventurer Pets HD by Arrogancy Games aims to do.  The official description is “Adventurer Pets is best described as a ‘competitive arcade style platformer.’ The game is modeled as a mix of classic arcade style single screen platformers and competitive multiplayer party games. There are two single player modes available and one local mutiplayer, which supports from 1-4 players.”  Unfortunately this really doesn’t seem to describe the game.  I guess there’s no story, so I guess you’re just supposed to run around and jump on stuff.  Maybe there’s some collection stuff as I believe is shown in the trailer.   Hopefully, this proves to be more fun than it looks from the outset.  So let’s as the Brits say “Have a go”.

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