I Heart Hearts!

April 10th, 2009

HeartsSS01 I don’t really love hearts the game, but, it is interesting to play none-the-less.  Hearts supposedly belongs to the Whist family of card games.  Yeah I don’t know what Whist is either, except Bridge is another member of the family.  There’s like a ton of card games out there, and a ton of computer versions.  This version is online, in the form of a Java applet.  It took me a bit to catch on to how to play, because it’s just so off the wall, it isn’t hard, however.

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Jumping Jack’son – I’m Jumping Jack’son, it’s a gas, gas, gas!

April 9th, 2009

Apr09Before there were guitar hero’s and dance revolutions there was Dance Aerobics a relatively obscure NES game that had you hit buttons on the “power pad” (much like Dance, Dance, Revolution).  Before that there was Simon in like the 70’s.  You know you had to hit the lit but tons in the exact order they played, and it would play notes.  I guess that’s the first rhythm game.  Of course I went too far back, so let’s jump back after Simon, after Dance Aerobics and before what is arguably called the first influential music game to a game called Jumping Jackson by Infogrames.  Of course I am not reviewing that game, I’m reviewing a remake for the retro remakes competition.  It’s called, guess what?  Jumping Jack’son! It’s by Puzzle House Finland  Okay so there’s a little difference in the name spelling.  Actually after looking at screenshots it looks pretty faithful.

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(xblig) Poker Squares: What I win, I keep… What you win, I keep…

April 8th, 2009

Apr08 Got your Poker faces on?  Good, because you won’t need ‘em here.  So basically when you play poker you create hands of five cards, a pair, two pair, three-of-a-kind (three of the same number, 2 unmatched), straight (ie straight set of sequential numbers with different suits), flush (five cards of the same suit), full house ( 3 of the same number, and a pair of a different number), four-of-a-kind, and a straight flush (five cards in sequence, of the same suit), and royal flush (means the 4 highest cards of the same suit in sequence, and 1 ace also in the same suit).  Whew! that was a lot to say, er type.

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