Invadazoid – Part Space Invaders, Part Arkanoid, all game!

January 8th, 2010

Our next banner entrant is Bantam City Games with Invadazoid.  It’s like Space Invaders meets Arkanoid.  Actually it’s more like Space Invaders and Arkanoid.  Well it’s mostly Space Invaders with one mode that allows you to use the ship as a paddle with ball, and another mode that’s all Space Invaders.  Okay I give this two thumbs up (I guess I just started to do the thumbs thing lately, I figure it’s easier for you to figure out how I feel about a certain game, thumbs up is good, thumbs down is bad, and one thumb up and one thumb down is like in the middle).  The game makes the progression interesting enough you want to keep playing, however focus is always on keeping your ball in play or not getting hit by rockets, so the high-scores don’t really figure into it.  Anyways want to know more about why I like it, continue reading after the break.InvadazoidSS00

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Awesome Tank and A Game of Tennis

January 7th, 2010

The title says it all.  Well it doesn’t have the words “it all” in the title, but you know what I mean.  This time since the Banner Entrant entered two games I decided to put them together in this one review.  Awesome Tank is a Tank game reminiscent of Combat for the Atari 2600 (or Atari VCS if you prefer).  A Game Of Tennis is reminiscent of, well, a game of Tennis.   Actually it’s reminiscent of Pong that’s reminiscent of Tennis.  Well actually it’s reminiscent of Pong which is reminiscent of Tennis for Two which was reminiscent of Tennis.  Wow.  That’s a lot of reminiscing.  Enjoy that trip down memory lane?  Good.  In any case…  I’ll have to say thumbs up to Awesome Tank (and no it’s not the same people that made Awesome Soccer), and thumbs down to A Game of Tennis.  The rest of the review after the jump.

UberGeekSS01 UberGeekSS02

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Entropy Poker A.I. – Sounds very umm… computery

January 4th, 2010

Our next banner entrant is Ergod with Entropy Poker A.I.  I’m not really sure how to classify this.  It’s not strictly a game.  Sure Poker is a game, and sure you can play against the computer.  In fact as far as I can tell you don’t play against humans at all (Of course the only way you could do that is over the internet, but I digress).  Generally speaking this is a simulation designed to help you get good at poker by offering AI in the form of simulated neural nets.  Well if you don’t know what all that means, it simply means it tries to copy brain processes to provide it’s artificial intelligence.  Firstly I don’t think that much of this, not because it isn’t useful or what it’s for, but mostly because it’s not really set up as a game.  I wouldn’t run this software if I wanted to relax from a day of hard work.  I would, however, end up using it so I could up my game when I play poker with real people, which is precisely what it’s made for. 


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