Happy Birthday IndieFlux!

That’s right, 2 years ago today, IndieFlux was born as Uhfgood’s Game Reviews. I’ve generally been pretty lax at posting mostly because, you know, life happens. But when life happens it’s best not to step in it and get life all over your shoes, because they could be expensive shoes and life can generally make things messy! In any case I intend on ramping up my production for some quality (or maybe not so quality, but the style you’ve come to know and love here on IndieFlux) game reviews. I also intend to add some games when I make them to the games page, and maybe eventually build a page so you can buy others games.

To commemorate this auspicious occasion I present to you a humorous animated gift for your bemusement:

Now wasn’t that worth a little clicky-clicky it took to get over here?

Here’s to another fansupertabulous new year! (er for IndieFlux not like the new year, although it is technically a new year, just February in the year Two-thousand and Eleven)

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4 Responses to “Happy Birthday IndieFlux!”

  1. Tweets that mention Happy Birthday IndieFlux! | IndieFlux.com -- Topsy.com says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by GBGames, Keith Weatherby II. Keith Weatherby II said: Happy Birthday IndieFlux! http://bit.ly/fcxy7K […]

  2. Uhfgood says:

    Apparently GBGames tweeted this post — GBGames game “Walls” was the first review I had up on Uhfgood’s Game Reviews — http://indieflux.com/2009/02/19/help-the-walls-are-closing-in/

  3. Snarf says:

    indeed happy birthday!!!

  4. Pekuja says:

    Congrats on two years of reviews, but when are we going to see some new content on Indie Flux? It’s been a while.

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