Archive for December, 2009

Extending drawing over the weekend.

Friday, December 4th, 2009

I’ve only got 15 entrants so far in the banner drawing. On the next to the last day I left messages in several dev forums that they had one more day (Friday) and that I would push the deadline as far as I could. To be fair to you twitter/facebook people (or those who visit the site regularly) I’ve decided to push the deadline to the end of the weekend.

So hopefully you indie developers out there who haven’t gotten their screenshot and demo link in, can still get it in. Because of those who entered were so few, I’ve decided to give everyone who enters a review, one day after another, and list them in a special sticky post showing all the entrants. The winners still get to have a link and screenshot in the banner.

In case you missed the original post, it’s here –