Another banner entrant another day another asteroids clone. This one entitled Meteors from Platymuus Software. Who hasn’t played some variant of Asteroids? No really who hasn’t because when I find you I’m going to come to your house and punch your lights out! Okay maybe turn your lights off. Literally like flip the switch which will teach you to not play Asteroids. Wait that didn’t turn out right, we WANT you to play Asteroids at some point in your life. THE Asteroids – only one of the defining games of the last century. One in which an indie game company made a similar game called Debris and got caught up in a lawsuit by Hasbro who then owned Atari and was suing anything that moved, story is here. Anywho, Meteors is another Roidlike (no not Roguelike, that’s another genre entirely) and we will see just what it is like after the the break.
Posts Tagged ‘Asteroids’
Meteors – First their came Asteroids, then there came METEORS!
Sunday, January 3rd, 2010Rocks – Can you smell what the rocks are cookin’?
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009 Obviously rocks can’t cook, I mean, they have absolutely no utensils. You could cook some rocks though. Well it wouldn’t make for a tasty meal, but you could toast them with laser fire! You know. Beep…… Boop…… Beep……. Boop……. Jing-jing-jing. Beep… Boop… Beep… Boop… Jing-jing. Do-de-do-de-do-de-do-de-do. Beep. Boop. Beep. Boop. Jing-jing-jing. Pash! Next ship. Okay so the beeps and boops is the music or background ambient sound, the jing-jing is the sound of the laser fire, the do-de-do is that little flying saucer that comes out for extra bonus points, and the “Pash” is the sound of your ultimate demise. Okay so it’s hard to faithfully reproduce the sounds of Asteroids in text, but I did the best I could, did I not? Asteroids one of the founding fathers of games. Well I guess it’s not a person, so it wouldn’t be a founding father exactly. Part of the bedrock of games. Or something. Rocks by Ooeyug. Is generally an Asteroids clone. Of course shooting rocks isn’t the only thing you can do in it.
What I think of it: It’s great, the graphics, and sounds (and the few musical snippets) are frosting. It also has a few things inspired by games like Geometry Wars. It’s fun, but with a warning. It is EXTREMELY challenging. My butt got handed to me quite early.
So read on, all you rock blasting fanatics!