To those of us in the U.S. (and those who know who we are thanking ;-) ), Happy Thanksgiving. I won’t be posting anything until about next Wednesday or so. Probably Thursday, I’ll have a review of Awesome Soccer by Red27 Studios.
Archive for November, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 26th, 2009Cat Mario! (Syobon Action?)
Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 Everyone loves Mario! You do, don’t you? You know Mario, the little Italian plumber from a series of games from Nintendo that goes back to the ancient Donkey Kong, and still 20-30 years later we’re still enjoying him. You know, Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, and on and on. Spin-offs of spin-offs, tv shows, and what have you, he’s become almost as recognized as Mickey Mouse the world over, and maybe even surpassed (I can’t remember but I might have read an article where he surpassed Mickey as the most famous fictional character), but I digress… There’s been a ton of fan games and rip offs. Now let’s talk a little bit about cats. Okay so they’re not as exciting. But a lot of us love cats, take the characters in John Wizard Game’s Dawn’s Light for instance, or Cat Ladies. So it makes some sense that someone, somewhere would create a game that has both CAT and MARIO elements. It’s by some Japanese person, whom I don’t even know the name of because I can’t read Japanese. This only makes sense though because Nintendo is a Japanese company. What makes this game unique though (aside from the fact that you play a cat in what looks like a rip off of Super Mario Bros)? You’re about to find out…
Shameless Plug: My Game “Hypno-Joe” Part 4
Monday, November 23rd, 2009Okay at this point I was doing walk animations. Hand drawn at first using paper, and then eventually using a program a friend had made. I’ve decided since they are nothing but short paragraphs each with animation, I would put all 4 previous posts here. They’re all walk cycles, and Joe doesn’t really look right in each one but still there’s some of my lame skill. A quick note, I don’t know what happened to animation number 2… I think I had done it but had not put up a post about it.