Posts Tagged ‘ags’

(ags) Warthogs – too bad it’s not the title to Halo: The Adventure Game

Monday, April 6th, 2009


Who wouldn’t like to see Harry Potter get mocked in a game?  I know I would.  And so I have with Warthogs by Crystal Shard.  Crystal Shard is the team that brought you a Tale of Two Kingdoms which was widely praised by the AGS community.  I decided to review some earlier games first. 


(ags) Annie Android – Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. – AGS

Monday, March 30th, 2009


Well today’s adventure game made in AGS isn’t about anyone named Daisy, but if you can figure out the reference I’ll randomly put your name in one of my reviews, and if you figure out the double reference, I’ll put your name your name randomly in TWO of my reviews.  Anyways, today’s game is about a little bot named Annie Android by Ben Chandler aka Ben304.  “Annie Android has her eye on that handsome Mailbot, but is shocked to discover that she has been assigned to be another bot’s partner!  Help Annie win the heart of Mailbot and defeat the nasty RoboHQ!” is what the readme says.  So let’s see if we can help her out.  Annie Android is made by the same guy who made Shifter’s Box.  So it’s sure to be interesting.


(ags) Blackwell Legacy – Ghost Detectives?!? Oy…er…Oh Boy! – AGS

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

This next game review is about another AGS game by Wadjet Eye Games.  From the company that brought you The Shivah, comes another interesting adventure game called The Blackwell Legacy.  Also set in New York City.  It tells of the adventures of Rosangela Blackwell, an aspiring writer.BlackwellLegacySS01
