Posts Tagged ‘Indie Flux’

EUO – No funny title for this MMORPG (Sans the Massively)

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Okay… It’s been a long time coming, but there was one more “Banner Drawing” entrant called EUO and was created by a Mr. Max Breedon.  Basically it’s “a retro multiplayer online RPG inspired by the early Ultimas, Nethack, Diablo, gold-box AD&D, Magic Candle, etc.”  At least that’s what the website says.  Since I haven’t really played those games much I’ll just have to take it’s word for it.  For what knows better what a game is, than it’s website, unless maybe it’s creator.  Here’s a cool video someone made showing some of the game :

Game is fairly fun, if you like multi-player online rpgs.  You can see the old-school vibe coming from the video.  Best of all it’s free.  There are some things you can buy in the real world that give you some help in the game world.  Buying stuff in the real world for the game does not give you more of an advantage over free players, but it does help you out when you play.   You aren’t required to buy anything to play the game though, because it’s free.  It’s just good manners to help indies when you enjoy their game.  More after the break.


L!ght Deluxe – You Light (Deluxe) up my life!

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

Alrighty… Our next review is for a puzzle game called L!ght Deluxe by Nemo Games.  This is an interesting little puzzle game.  According to the web page “Your main goal is to direct light-rays from lights sources to light receivers! You are provided with tools like mirrors, light filters, prisms, etc.”  I liked this game, but there are a few issues that I think should have been addressed before I could say it was outstanding.  Here’s a video of the action:


Kaotik Puzzle – A face full of AWESOME!

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

Okay, okay, apologies if you don’t find match-3 puzzle games awesome.  I just had to put that in the title though because the title is a face full of awesome!  I could have said a fist full of awesome, but a face full seems more in your face, you know because it has face in the title.  Anyway.  Our next review is for said match-3 puzzle on Xbox Live Indie Games game called Kaotik Puzzle from Spanish developer Silvermax (That’s Spanish as in Spain, not the language, although they speak the language in Spain because it’s… well you get the idea).  Anyways if you were to play one match-three or puzzle game in your whole life time, this would be it.  The guy has pulled out all the stops!  Here’s a vid showing you what it’s all about.  I believe it’s probably the same vid that I posted in the preview, but here’s a refresher. 

Also even though it says it’s coming soon, it’s out now, at the Xbox Live Marketplace.  I really dig this game so that might be all you need to know, however if you want to know why please read after the jump.
