Posts Tagged ‘Match-3’

SpellBlazer – Part card, part role-playing, all game! – flash

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

Apr03a What if you took Magic: the Gathering and combined it with Dungeons and Dragons.  That would just be like so full of cool you’d be frozen when you played it.  Well SpellBlazer by Seismic Studios is not like that, luckily for all cold-blooded animals.  Okay so there is elements of an RPG, and then a card game in between.  If you are particularly astute you will find that Seismic actually developed Wagons HO! which I did the programming on.  So SpellBlazer was designed by the same guy.  Of course I had nothing to do with SpellBlazer as I was contract programmer for Wagons Ho.  Actually it’s been a fair bit since I played it so even though I know there are card based battles, I don’t really remember much about it.  Well let’s see what we got here.


Buzzword – Buzz, Buzz, BUZZZZZZ!

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Today’s game is a mixture of match-3 and crossword puzzle.  The game is called Buzzword by Desktop Gaming.  I only played the trial which is 60 minutes, but I felt it was good enough to get a feel for the game.  The goal of the game is to reach the next level by filling the “honey” meter.  BuzzwordSS01


Space Journey – Tic-Tac-Toe, Three in a row!

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

SpaceJourneySS00 Okay so maybe it’s not tic-tac-toe, and maybe it’s not strictly in a row, but it is at least three or more.  Yes I’m talking about the dreaded Match-3 games!  Yes this is my first Match-3 review.  And also yes I may review more.  Why are they dreaded?  Well technically they’re not.  It’s just there’s a lot of them.  And people are making a lot of money off of them.
