Solitaire is old as time itself. Okay well maybe as old as playing cards. Actually in British English it’s known as “Patience”. In any case, Tri Towers, also known as Tri Peaks, Three Peaks, or Triple Peaks is a solitaire variation, and was actually created in 1989 by Robert Hogue. So it’s actually a fairly new game. In any case 18 cards are placed face down in three, three-tiered pyramids. (In other words 6 in each pyramid with 3 levels). Over these are ten face up cards placed along the bottom “row”. The rest are used as a “stock” pile. Then there’s the waste pile, one card is turned over for that. The point of the game is to get the next higher or lower in rank as the card in the waste pile, into which it also goes in the waste pile. For instance a 5, can either have a 6 or a 4 laid on it. It doesn’t matter what suit it is or color it is. Once you can’t find anymore cards to put into the waste pile, you can start going through the stock pile until you do. You keep playing it until you’ve either cleared all the cards in the pyramid or wasted all you stock pile cards. If you clear it, you win.
Posts Tagged ‘point’n’click’
Tri-Tower Solitaire – As if there aren’t enough solitaire games out there.
Thursday, April 16th, 2009(ags) Warthogs – too bad it’s not the title to Halo: The Adventure Game
Monday, April 6th, 2009
Who wouldn’t like to see Harry Potter get mocked in a game? I know I would. And so I have with Warthogs by Crystal Shard. Crystal Shard is the team that brought you a Tale of Two Kingdoms which was widely praised by the AGS community. I decided to review some earlier games first.
Magic Toy Chest – Hermey doesn’t like to make toys!
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 Elf dentistry aside, our next game involves a toy box. A MAGIC toy box. In fact a magic toy CHEST. What would you expect a magic toy chest to do? Well I would think make toys. I mean it’s magic, and it’s a toy chest, what possible magic could a toy chest do, but magically produce toys. At least that’s what I was thinking. Didn’t you at least a little bit think about that when I said it? Apparently the MAGIC toy chest doesn’t like to make toys either. Nope, it was all a clever ploy by Johnny (or Jimmy, or Timmy, or whoever that kid’s name is), to get you to help him do his chores. I mean his Mom tells him to clean up the room and does Johnny get industrious enough to do it himself, heck no. Sure just promise any Joe that there’s a magic toy chest awaiting him and then cruelly snatch it away and tell him he has to help you put away the toys.