Remember on-the-rails light gun shooters like Virtua Cop and The House of the Dead? Good ol’ rail shooters from times past where all you had to think of was point and shoot. Or like umm… let’s say Time Crisis, where you actually had a time limit. Yes those were fun days. I don’t know if they’re popular nowadays, as I haven’t been in an arcade in years, but it would seem that type of game would be well suited to a mouse. Let’s changes gears for a second now, have you ever wanted to blast some toons, no I didn’t say “blast some tunes”, I mean you could do that if you want, but that’s not what I mean. I mean blast some toons as in CARtoons. Well I don’t mean an emphasis on car, as this has nothing to do with cars. I mean animated cartoon characters. Have you wanted to shoot them? Sure we all have. Well what does today’s flash game have in common with shooting cartoon characters and Time Crisis? Well actually nothing other than the name. Oh yeah it’s a “rail” shooter as well except using the mouse.
Archive for the ‘Browser based (flash/java)’ Category
Retroshoot – “SHOOOOoooooooooOOOOTTT!”, Grig from the Last Starfighter.
Friday, April 24th, 2009 What is with all this retro stuff anyways? I mean it’s pretty big, you have all the compilations out there, most recently the Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection, not to mention Namco Museum, Midway Arcade Treasures 1, 2, and 3, Atari Anthology, Intellivision Lives. There was the Sonic Mega Collection. There was even all the Megaman games for the Gamecube. There was one with a bunch of Activision classics on it. Emulators are pretty big, the biggest is the arcade emulator MAME. What’s the deal with this anyways? Why are so many people into games that are old, or pretend to be old. For instance Geometry Wars was made to look like old vector graphics games. Puppy Games try to make theirs look like they belong to some oldschool game compilation or something, yet still with modern sound, and cool effects that you couldn’t get. I think there’s a lot of reasons. For me I get a chance to play games that were fun to me when I was a kid, and still are. Also some new games aren’t as fun as games used to be. They try to make it hyper-realistic, or accurate controls. Some first person shooters just have too many darn controls.
Tri-Tower Solitaire – As if there aren’t enough solitaire games out there.
Thursday, April 16th, 2009 Solitaire is old as time itself. Okay well maybe as old as playing cards. Actually in British English it’s known as “Patience”. In any case, Tri Towers, also known as Tri Peaks, Three Peaks, or Triple Peaks is a solitaire variation, and was actually created in 1989 by Robert Hogue. So it’s actually a fairly new game. In any case 18 cards are placed face down in three, three-tiered pyramids. (In other words 6 in each pyramid with 3 levels). Over these are ten face up cards placed along the bottom “row”. The rest are used as a “stock” pile. Then there’s the waste pile, one card is turned over for that. The point of the game is to get the next higher or lower in rank as the card in the waste pile, into which it also goes in the waste pile. For instance a 5, can either have a 6 or a 4 laid on it. It doesn’t matter what suit it is or color it is. Once you can’t find anymore cards to put into the waste pile, you can start going through the stock pile until you do. You keep playing it until you’ve either cleared all the cards in the pyramid or wasted all you stock pile cards. If you clear it, you win.