I don’t think there are many flying (plane, jet, etc) games on XBox Live Indie Games, but then again, I guess I haven’t played all that many. So when I heard about RC-Airsim I decided here was something I haven’t tried yet. Actually that’s not what I thought, the creator was on twitter, so I heard about it through that, and decided to review it for my next XBLIG game. However I hadn’t tried it yet, so I could have thought that. But I didn’t. But I could have. I could go on forever like this. Okay so I wasn’t expecting much with the title. RC-Airsim meaning a simulation of radio controlled planes. And I didn’t get all that much. Now before I go on, I’m not trying to slam this, but it’s gotta be said. This is not a game, it’s a simulation. That was my first mistake, thinking of it like a game. So let me give you my thoughts briefly before I get into the details of the review. Unless you’re a radio-controlled plane enthusiast, you probably won’t care about this that much. Like I’m not. Watch the video to get an idea, and if that interests you, go ahead and read the rest of the review by clicking Read More below.
Archive for the ‘xblig’ Category
(XBLIG) RC-Airsim: A model of a model airplane?
Thursday, November 19th, 2009(xblig) Ninja Guardian sounds like an oxymoron —
Wednesday, October 21st, 2009Okay well today’s review is on a game called Ninja Guardian by Phoenix Game Studios. Attack an evil samurai warlord named… you guessed it “Evil Samurai Warlord”. Anyways the object is for you to stop him by jumping on platforms and fighting like giant wasps and stuff. I kid you not! The unique thing about it is simply that you move from platform to platform. To attack it’s the A button. If you want to jump in mid-air it’s the right trigger. You can also trigger temporary invincibility by the left trigger. That’s pretty much it. It makes it rather unique because the goal is simply to get to the top of the level. The graphics are cute and resemble some sort of Asian paper artwork, although it reminds me of Chinese art rather than Japanese, but I suppose Japanese must have had their art as well so I guess it doesn’t really matter. In any case I think it’s worth a play just because it’s kind of unique (and frustrating). In any case if you want to go into why I think it’s worth a play read on.
(xblig)Wordzy for XBLCG – Whatzy?
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 Words, Words, everywhere there’s words, in books and on game shows, it’s getting absurd, read this and that, can’t you read the words? What’s up with word games? Word games for fun and profit. Everybody likes word games. Jumble, Scrabble, Crossword puzzles, etc. So it’s with some pleasure, okay a little pleasure, okay not really, word games aren’t my thing. Well actually that’s not true, I like wheel of fortune. I don’t mind doing crossword puzzles every once in a while. In any case the next review is for the Xbox Live Community Game called Wordzy.
My thoughts on the game: It’s just ok. It’s essentially a guessing game, and it gives you no hints as to what the mystery word is other than filling in the first letter and giving you a bonus letter. If you want to know more, it’s after the jump.