Certainly strange to find a ship in a desert, but paranormal? Hardly. Even the Skunk-Ape wasn’t really paranormal, just weird, and legendary. Just like the Legend of Boggy Creek II hilariously lampooned by Mystery Science Theatre 3000. In any case. A lost ship in a desert is an intriguing idea. Is the legend true? How did it get in the desert? Is there’s still treasure in it? All these questions and more are answered in Ben Jordan’s second case, entitled The Lost Galleon of the Salton Sea. Actually Ben’s investigating a disappearance of a local man from Dunesburg, California, who was after the Spanish treasure ship. So I guess mysterious disappearances are within the purview of paranormal investigator, who knows. In any case this promises to be most interesting as did the first case. I did manage to finish the first case by the way. Now I, too, have seen the Skunk-Ape in person and lived to tell the tale. Of course I also had help. Good ol’ internet is to the rescue! Anyways, whereas there’s something artistic about Ben Chandler’s games and less about the game play (not that these are bad, you can see my Shifter and Annie Android reviews to see what I think about them), and Wadjet Eye Games (Dave Gilbert who happens to actually have done testing for this and some voice work, who is superb by the way) eye toward professionalism but keeping with only New York. Ben Jordan is characterized by strong umm, characters, and story. So far both cases have been immediately engaging to me, more so than the others I have reviewed (no offense guys). So here is Ben Jordan, Paranormal Investigator, Case 2: The Lost Galleon of the Salton Sea by Grundislav Games (aka Francisco Gonzalez).
Posts Tagged ‘ags’
(ags) Ben Jordan Case 2 – I don’t think Lost Galleon’s are paranormal, do you?
Sunday, May 10th, 2009(ags) Ben Jordan Case 1 – I must love adventure games about the paranormal.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 I seem to keep reviewing AGS-made adventure games that revolve around paranormal themes. Okay maybe they’re just making them. Okay so it was just the two Blackwell Games. Okay so Ben Jordan and Blackwell have the paranormal in common, and, the Shivah and Ben Jordan have murder in common. Actually that’s not true. The Shivah had someone die and leave money to the Rabbi. I only played the demo so I don’t know if it has anything to do with murder. Ok so here we go, I already spilled the beans, today’s adventure game is called Ben Jordan, Paranormal Investigator in In Search of the Skunk-Ape by Grundislav Games! Sound intriguing. I bet Skunk-Ape grabbed you right there! As I understand a Skunk-Ape is sort of like a smelly Big Foot. And you all know how smelly feet are! I decided to review the deluxe version, as it seems the creator’s original vision did come up to par with the rest of the series. In any case, let’s see how this thing works out!
(ags) Blackwell Unbound – Another Ghost (detective) story.
Monday, April 20th, 2009How about another AGS game by Wadjet Eye Games. From the developer of the The Shivah and the Blackwell Legacy, comes another Blackwell game called Blackwell Unbound. Let’s go back in time to 1973, this time it’s not about Rosangela, it’s about her aunt Lauren. This is also set in New York City as apparently are most of Wadjet Eye Games’ settings. It will change when we get to Emerald City Confidential in a future review. Looks like Dave Gilbert topped himself yet again. Let’s see what he has in store for us next.
Special Note: It’s listed on the games page as being under the Shivah, indicating possibly being the second game, it’s actually cheaper than Legacy. So I might be wrong in thinking this is the second game made. Unless it was made after as a prequel. In any case maybe someone can clarify.