Posts Tagged ‘games’

I win, I win, I win, and you didn’t NYAH!!!

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

Okay just trying to be funny with the title, I didn’t really mean to stick my tongue out at you.

Interesting that I happen to win the Spell Of Play contest for a free copy of one of their games and exposure to their mailing list. I more wanted the exposure more than the game, although, I really liked the game I chose :-) (TWTPB of course). – Just so I can rub it in! ;-)

In any case if you haven’t yet you should check out their games, they’re pretty cool.

Spell of Play website


Magic Toy Chest – Hermey doesn’t like to make toys!

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

MagicToyChestSS01 Elf dentistry aside, our next game involves a toy box.  A MAGIC toy box.  In fact a magic toy CHEST.  What would you expect a magic toy chest to do?  Well I would think make toys.  I mean it’s magic, and it’s a toy chest, what possible magic could a toy chest do, but magically produce toys.  At least that’s what I was thinking.  Didn’t you at least a little bit think about that when I said it?  Apparently the MAGIC toy chest doesn’t like to make toys either.  Nope, it was all a clever ploy by Johnny (or Jimmy, or Timmy, or whoever that kid’s name is), to get you to help him do his chores.  I mean his Mom tells him to clean up the room and does Johnny get industrious enough to do it himself, heck no.  Sure just promise any Joe that there’s a magic toy chest awaiting him and then cruelly snatch it away and tell him he has to help you put away the toys.


(wme) Barrow Hill – Something spooky this way comes…

Monday, March 30th, 2009


Okay.  While looking through completed WME games I might enjoy, I got on to this Barrow Hill by Shadow Tor Studios.  I almost wasn’t going to review this, because of the subject matter I determined would be acceptable.  But looking at the first person perspective I sort of felt it wouldn’t like get gory or anything.  Now the case may change with the full version, but the demo is just fine.  I also wanted to choose something a little bit different than I normally play.  Firstly the first person perspective adventure games (say like Myst) is not something I play usually.  Secondly I really don’t care much for supposedly “scary”, horror, or thriller games.  Mostly because as horror movies, these games get more realistic and thus a bit more gory.  Luckily this is an adventure game, so the chances of this being truly that bad is small.
