Posts Tagged ‘windows’

(ags) Ben Jordan Case 5: Land of the Rising Dead

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Aug18 Okay so by now you already know the drill.  It doesn’t appear that there’s any major changes in the rest of the Ben Jordan games.  Obviously it’s going to be a good story.  The graphics seem similar to the rest, but I haven’t played it yet.  I will get to it in a moment.  I will probably like the music.  Okay so why am I writing a review when I haven’t actually played it yet.  Well I’m late and I’m running out of things to talk about in the first paragraph of these BJ cases.  I’m going to be playing it and giving you the review as I play it.  How’s them apples.

Here’s the dust cover description (ie the blurb on the Grundislav games website): “After the events in London, Ben Jordan returns home for a much needed rest. One day, he receives a conference call from his friends Simon Booth and Alice Wilkins. Simon has heard of a series of murders in Osaka, Japan, and thinks there is some sort of paranormal activity involved. Ben, Simon, and Alice travel to Japan, but soon find there is much more to the story than they first thought…”  Sound interesting?  Good, read more next!


Planitia: Phenomenal Cosmic Power, Itty Bitty Living Space!

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

June24 Let me just say up front.  I’m a Christian, and I take my faith very seriously.  This review will have nothing to do with my beliefs though, but the reason I said this was because of the next statement I’m going to make.  I don’t really like the name “god” game.  It sounds like it makes light of people’s faith.  I really don’t think it does, but the name sounds like it does.  When #GameDevelopers (on – Starchat irc network) own Anthony Salter, aka Viridian, mentioned he was going to make a god game, it was with a bit of reservation that I decided to test it.  I did this because I felt I wanted to support fellow indie game developers.  Really a “god game” is a genre of games where you get to play like a god, in other words, form worlds as you see fit and create people and civilizations and have them do your bidding.  The game isn’t entirely finished but it’s got most of the elements in it.

What I think of it:  It’s actually a bit of fun if, for nothing else, than to just manipulate the land the way you want.  If this sounds interesting to you click the Read More at the bottom there.  I promise no more silly “after the break” type jokes. 


G.W.A.T. (Gratuitously Weird Automated Toys) – bot vs bots?

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

May26 What’s the world’s fascination with bots?  Do we see a future where most machines will take over tasks we find mundane, boring, or dangerous.  Or Tiny droids that will enter our bodies and repair us or augment us?  Virtual pets or companions where the real thing is just not practical or safe?  All these things and more.  I think we’re mostly in convenience.  So what are the main sources of bot love?  Firstly Star Wars, with those loveable droids C-3PO and R2-D2.  Ever since the late 70’s they’ve been ingrained into our consciousness.  Movies, cartoons, toys, even cereal has had these two little guys.  We can hardly think of a world without them.  Secondly, the Japanese.  Their love of technology has spearheaded efforts to make robots, walk, talk, and even think, and inspired the world’s culture.  Granted things like Transformers was a Japanese and American co-creation, there’s no doubt about the influence the Japanese had on them.  In fact it was a Japanese toy line that some guys from Hasbro bought, and based a whole franchise around.  Okay with that spirit I present my next review for a game called G.W.A.T. which stands for a Game Without A Name.

What I think of it:  GWAT needs a lot more work done on it before it can be thought to be fun. Edit:  After playing it a little bit more I started getting the hang of it.  It’s not really a bad game, but there are some things that could be improved.  More after the break.

The Break.
