Got your Poker faces on? Good, because you won’t need ‘em here. So basically when you play poker you create hands of five cards, a pair, two pair, three-of-a-kind (three of the same number, 2 unmatched), straight (ie straight set of sequential numbers with different suits), flush (five cards of the same suit), full house ( 3 of the same number, and a pair of a different number), four-of-a-kind, and a straight flush (five cards in sequence, of the same suit), and royal flush (means the 4 highest cards of the same suit in sequence, and 1 ace also in the same suit). Whew! that was a lot to say, er type.
Posts Tagged ‘independent’
(xblig) Poker Squares: What I win, I keep… What you win, I keep…
Wednesday, April 8th, 2009(ags) Warthogs – too bad it’s not the title to Halo: The Adventure Game
Monday, April 6th, 2009
Who wouldn’t like to see Harry Potter get mocked in a game? I know I would. And so I have with Warthogs by Crystal Shard. Crystal Shard is the team that brought you a Tale of Two Kingdoms which was widely praised by the AGS community. I decided to review some earlier games first.
When you can’t call Rambo, you can call ROMBO!
Friday, April 3rd, 2009 “You are the apprentice of the great Wizard, sent in the unholy lands to recover the Black Rombo from the hands of the evil mage’s castle. In your journey through the lands, you’ll encounter several creatures in evil mage’s service. Do not think twice before sending them to meet their creator; these are damned souls, lost forever in the realm from where the evil mage came and transformed an once healthy place to a dead zone where only the darkest entities enter.” – That’s what the webpage for Rombo by BadSector aka Kostas Michalopoulos (at least I’m assuming his name is that since he’s copyrighted the page this game is on.) Okay so Rombo is a thing and not a person, big deal, Rambo, Rombo, Jimbo, it’s all the same to me. Rombo is a first person “3D” flash game in the vein of the greats like Wolfenstein 3D, or Doom. So essentially you need to find this Rombo.