Posts Tagged ‘retro styled’

(ags) The Shivah – Rabbi Detectives?!? Oy vey! – AGS

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Today’s review is about an adventure game called “The Shivah” from Wadjet Eye Games.  But before we get to that let me tell you a little story about me.  Adventure games in ages past were a bit part of why I became a programmer.  Great classics such as Sierra’s Space Quest Series, and the King’s Quest Series, The Secret of Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion, and Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle, as well as Sam and Max hit the road had inspired me to get into making games.  At the time it was hard to find information about programming because the internet was still in it’s infancy and you had to use bulletin board systems to communicate with people.  In any case I pressed on slowly but surely learning a craft that I hope would allow me to make these kinds of games.  Soon I was making games, and that was about the time in the late 90’s that adventure games stopped being produced by major companies.



Jasper’s Journeys – News Bulletin: Cat stealing sweeps nation! Cat Ladies crying everywhere!

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

Okay so it’s just one cat named Orlando, who has been stolen by a witch. Today’s review is called Jasper’s Journeys, a delightful jump’n’run platformer that hearkens back to the 16 bit era by Lexaloffle. Please be sure to click on the screenshots for their full sizes, as scaling them down doesn’t really do them justice.



Limey Lizard – Who said all space janitors had to be human? – AGS

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

Remember the good ol’ days, when real games required pointing and clicking your mouse?  Well now those days are back.  With the various adventure game creators out there it’s now more accessible to most computer users to make games that rival commercial games of days past.

This is the first adventure I’m reviewing on my blog hopefully with many more to come.  The name of the game is Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard made by Shane Stevens with Adventure Game Studio.  It’s a fun, old fashioned point and click adventure game.  You step into the role of Limey Lizard, who happens to be a maintenence worker on the ship, “The Spicy Curmudgeon”, where your role happens to be… well… maintanence.  If there’s a leak in the waste system of the ship, Limey is always ready to lend a hand.  Well not really, see he’s kind of lazy, but heck who isn’t lazy these days!

