Posts Tagged ‘Running Pixel’

(xblig) bricks4ever – xblcg

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
Breakout of the mold!

Apr01bYou ever just wanna break stuff?  Of course you have!  We all have.  That’s why we have Breakout and clones.  Breakout was sort of based on Pong (the first commercially successful arcade game).  Like if you flipped Pong on it’s side so it’s vertical, and like added bricks, and then removed a player, then you would have Breakout.  Over the years it’s had it’s share of imitators, most notable being Arkanoid for the arcade.  Arkanoid added several innovations in addition to actually adding graphics, it added things like dropping brick power-ups.  You knew someone had to do it for XBLCG.  Actually there is at least one more Breakout clone in community games.  I’ll probably review that some other time.  (Maybe I should have done both of them today, ahh well.)  In any case this new one is called bricks4ever, yeah real creative name there, by Running Pixel.  I guess if they’ve used all the names you can think of, you tend to grab for whatever will set you apart.
