Posts Tagged ‘Uhfgood’

(XBLIG) RC-Airsim: A model of a model airplane?

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

I don’t think there are many flying (plane, jet, etc) games on XBox Live Indie Games, but then again, I guess I haven’t played all that many.  So when I heard about RC-Airsim I decided here was something I haven’t tried yet.  Actually that’s not what I thought, the creator was on twitter, so I heard about it through that, and decided to review it for my next XBLIG game.  However I hadn’t tried it yet, so I could have thought that.  But I didn’t.  But I could have.  I could go on forever like this.  Okay so I wasn’t expecting much with the title.  RC-Airsim meaning a simulation of radio controlled planes.  And I didn’t get all that much.  Now before I go on, I’m not trying to slam this, but it’s gotta be said.  This is not a game, it’s a simulation.  That was my first mistake, thinking of it like a game.  So let me give you my thoughts briefly before I get into the details of the review.  Unless you’re a radio-controlled plane enthusiast, you probably won’t care about this that much.  Like I’m not.  Watch the video to get an idea, and if that interests you, go ahead and read the rest of the review by clicking Read More below.


Dawn’s Light – I’m actually playing an RPG, Japanese style no-less!

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

Yes you read that correctly. I (Keith Weatherby II) am actually playing a Role Playing Game which I said I would never play ever.  Okay that’s not true, I said I never get into RPGs because of their pointless side quests and anime characters.  I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, I hate anime/manga.  However the graphics in here are on point as we would say in the US or “spot on” as the English would say.  Before I get more in depth I gotta say I really dig this game.  The name of the game is Dawn’s Light by John Wizard games.  (The website has a nice easy to read layout with nice colors, but this isn’t a review about websites).  It started out with an easy tutorial.  The controls are simple.  And it does basic hand-holding in the beginning.  I don’t know if it changes later on because my Trial expired.  I feel that I got enough of an idea of the game with the trial, which makes me think you should try it then buy it.  Here’s a video of the game in action:

The in-depth review after the break.


PREVIEW: Broken Brothers Deluxe

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

Our next preview looks pretty unique.  It’s called Broken Brothers Deluxe and it’s by Spyeart.  A strategy game with pleasing but simplistic visuals.  According to the blurb it’s “A real-time strategy game, with twisted angels, industrial spider queens, dog-fighting aircraft, interactive units, over 26 perks, and lots of giant spikes!”  Check out the video:

Some screenshots after the jump.
