Posts Tagged ‘windows’

Jasper’s Journeys – News Bulletin: Cat stealing sweeps nation! Cat Ladies crying everywhere!

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

Okay so it’s just one cat named Orlando, who has been stolen by a witch. Today’s review is called Jasper’s Journeys, a delightful jump’n’run platformer that hearkens back to the 16 bit era by Lexaloffle. Please be sure to click on the screenshots for their full sizes, as scaling them down doesn’t really do them justice.



Typomagia – I’m going to have to have some WORDS with you!

Friday, February 27th, 2009

Today I’m going to review Typomagia! The magic typing game! By Sol aka Jari Komppa.


Typomagia is a game of typing and magic!  Okay, okay, it’s just a typing game (like word invaders if you remember typing tutor).  There are two modes of play a “quick” game with the computer, or story mode.  In both modes you have several categories of word lists.  Chemistry, cities, colors, common, lands, orchids, programming.  I chose common, simply because I wanted to play the general case.  If you start the quick game first, it sort of gives you an idea of what you’re in for on story mode.


Galcon – Masters of the Universe, but definately not He-Man

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Today I’m reviewing the desktop version of Galcon by Phil Hassey. Galcon is pretty much like everyone says it is. If Risk were in real-time and in space, then it would be called Galcon.


I fired this baby up for the first time and went to options. I attempted to change the resolution, but if you go higher than 640×480 it gets a little choppy at times, so I decided to leave it at 640×480. I then went to the tutorial mode. There are 5 levels that tell you how to play. Although on the whole I think you could just start up a real game and not ever look at the tutorial.
