Posts Tagged ‘independent’

(xblig) Ninja Guardian sounds like an oxymoron —

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

Okay well today’s review is on a game called Ninja Guardian by Phoenix Game Studios.  Attack an evil samurai warlord named… you guessed it “Evil Samurai Warlord”.  Anyways the object is for you to stop him by jumping on platforms and fighting like giant wasps and stuff.  I kid you not!  The unique thing about it is simply that you move from platform to platform.  To attack it’s the A button.  If you want to jump in mid-air it’s the right trigger.  You can also trigger temporary invincibility by the left trigger.  That’s pretty much it.  It makes it rather unique because the goal is simply to get to the top of the level.  The graphics are cute and resemble some sort of Asian paper artwork, although it reminds me of Chinese art rather than Japanese, but I suppose Japanese must have had their art as well so I guess it doesn’t really matter.  In any case I think it’s worth a play just because it’s kind of unique (and frustrating).  In any case if you want to go into why I think it’s worth a play read on.



(xblig) PREVIEW: Duality ZF

Friday, October 16th, 2009

Today we get a quick look at a new Xbox Live Indie Games entry called Duality ZF.  It’s a shooter that features 4 x multiplayer and dual play, meaning you can control 2 ships at once!  This bad boasts 6 gameplay modes including “Home”, “Arcade”, “Bullet Hell”, “Survival”, “Score Rush”, and “Boss Rush”.  It also features online score tables for each mode.  According to the website, there’s it’s also simple to play, which means move and shoot.  You know how we all like simple over here at Indie Flux (Okay here at Uhfgood’s Game Reviews, but Indie Flux is our new name).

Just check out the vid here, or even better check it out on YouTube in High-Definition.


Screenshots next: (more…)

The face of BOH

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

Oct14 We’re not talking about an episode of that new-fangled Dr. Who here.  We’re talking about the ghosts of Amiga Computer’s past.  Er, Games of Amiga’s past.  According to the know-all see-all Wikipedia, The Amiga was a family of personal computers originally developed by Amiga Corporation. Development on the Amiga began in ‘82 and  Commodore International bought Amiga Corp and introduced the machine in ‘85.   What does this have to do with our game?   Because of the Amiga’s superior audio/video capabilities a majority of the Amiga community was into games, including the person who created this game.  They wanted to bring that feeling back to modern machines.  The game is called BOH by Simone Bevilacqua and is, according to the website, an original, retro-flavored game of exploration and action searching for the “Evil Masters” whatever that means.  So how does this game fare?  Unfortunately for me, it didn’t fare too well, read on to find out more.
