What is with all this retro stuff anyways? I mean it’s pretty big, you have all the compilations out there, most recently the Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection, not to mention Namco Museum, Midway Arcade Treasures 1, 2, and 3, Atari Anthology, Intellivision Lives. There was the Sonic Mega Collection. There was even all the Megaman games for the Gamecube. There was one with a bunch of Activision classics on it. Emulators are pretty big, the biggest is the arcade emulator MAME. What’s the deal with this anyways? Why are so many people into games that are old, or pretend to be old. For instance Geometry Wars was made to look like old vector graphics games. Puppy Games try to make theirs look like they belong to some oldschool game compilation or something, yet still with modern sound, and cool effects that you couldn’t get. I think there’s a lot of reasons. For me I get a chance to play games that were fun to me when I was a kid, and still are. Also some new games aren’t as fun as games used to be. They try to make it hyper-realistic, or accurate controls. Some first person shooters just have too many darn controls.
Posts Tagged ‘retro’
Retroshoot – “SHOOOOoooooooooOOOOTTT!”, Grig from the Last Starfighter.
Friday, April 24th, 2009Droid Assault – All your droid belong to us!
Thursday, April 16th, 2009 What could be more awesome than fighting off alien invaders with your puny ship? Or fighting off robots with your one robot? You know the movie we’ve all been waiting for Star Wars: Salvation, where we finally get to see the Droid Wars. If that movie was going to be made, and it had a movie tie-in game then Droid Assault would be it! Wait a sec, cooler than fighting robots off with your one robot, isn’t that what this is? Well no, the only thing that could be cooler than that would be fighting off waves or robots with your own robot army! That’s right, instead of Robotron-style arena-based droid combat against impossible odds, you get Robotron-style arena-based multi-droid combat against incredible odds! That’s just what this is too! Unfortunately we don’t get to see C3P0 take on a Cyberdyne Systems model 101, but we can at least pretend.
Titan Attacks – Only Futurama’s Fry can save us now!
Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 “Invaders! Possibly from space!”, exclaimed Leela.
“People of Earth, I am Lrrr of the planet Nintendoo-64. Tremble in fear at our three different kinds of ships!”, said the alien leader as if it were a statement of fact.
“Alright. It’s Saturday night, I have no date, a two-liter bottle of Shasta and my all-Rush mix tape! Let’s Rock!!” Fry looked up at the alien horde and then got down to business. Listening to Rush’s Tom Sawyer Fry managed to start blasting aliens by moving his giant war vehicle left and right with arcade like precision.
Meanwhile in the lead alien ship, The second in command possibly Lrrr’s wife shouts, “We’re losing ships sir! What are your orders?!” “Increase speed, drop down, and reverse direction!” shouted Lrrr in reply!
Fry continued to blast the alien retinue.