Archive for the ‘xblig’ Category

(xblig) Adventurer Pets HD – Platforming Pets better get the Vet!

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

Apr29 Sometimes you just want some straight-up platforming action, and that’s what Adventurer Pets HD by Arrogancy Games aims to do.  The official description is “Adventurer Pets is best described as a ‘competitive arcade style platformer.’ The game is modeled as a mix of classic arcade style single screen platformers and competitive multiplayer party games. There are two single player modes available and one local mutiplayer, which supports from 1-4 players.”  Unfortunately this really doesn’t seem to describe the game.  I guess there’s no story, so I guess you’re just supposed to run around and jump on stuff.  Maybe there’s some collection stuff as I believe is shown in the trailer.   Hopefully, this proves to be more fun than it looks from the outset.  So let’s as the Brits say “Have a go”.


(xblig) Totem – Me Likem Totem

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Apr22According to  Merriam-Webster online a totem is “1) an object (as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry, and is also a usually carved or painted representation of such an object and 2) one that serves as an emblem or revered symbol”.  Although the term is of Ojibwa (largest group of Native Americans north of Mexico) origin, totemistic beliefs are not limited to Native American Indians. Similar totemism-like beliefs have been historically present throughout much of the world, including Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, Australia and the Arctic polar region.  A totem pole is a large sculpture carved out of a tree, and may include these totems as described above.  What does this have to do with our next XBLCG game?  It’s called Totem, of course!  According to the official description Totem is “Intense matching Totem destruction! Two game modes…survival and adventure complete with 28 levels and 4 elemental bosses.”  Let’s see if it stacks up to that definition.


(xblig) Cubage – Like, totally Rubik’s!

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

Apr15 Remember The Empire Strikes Back?  The boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, protesting Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?  Airplane? Defender, Battlezone and Pac-Man?  Zork?  John Lennon’s murder? Iron Maiden’s debut?  AC/DC’s “Back in Black” ?  “Disco Sucks?” (granted that was on a sign in 79’s Disco Demolition Night but the sentiment still rings true)  Mount St. Helens eruption?  The US ice hockey team beating the Soviet Union in the 1980 Winter Olympics? Who shot J.R.?  Well all of these were in 1980, not just the 80’s but the turn of the decade.  There was another thing that debuted in 1980 and that was the Rubik’s Cube.  Invented in ‘74 by a Hungarian sculptor, it was sold to Ideal Toys in 1980.  As Wikipedia describes it – In a classic Rubik’s Cube, each of the six faces is covered by 9 stickers, among six solid colors (traditionally white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow).  A pivot mechanism enables each face to turn independently, thus mixing up the colors. For the puzzle to be solved, each face must be a solid color.
