Posts Tagged ‘independent’

Retroshoot – “SHOOOOoooooooooOOOOTTT!”, Grig from the Last Starfighter.

Friday, April 24th, 2009

Apr24 What is with all this retro stuff anyways?  I mean it’s pretty big, you have all the compilations out there, most recently the Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection, not to mention Namco Museum, Midway Arcade Treasures 1, 2, and 3, Atari Anthology, Intellivision Lives.  There was the Sonic Mega Collection.  There was even all the Megaman games for the Gamecube.  There was one with a bunch of Activision classics on it.  Emulators are pretty big, the biggest is the arcade emulator MAME.  What’s the deal with this anyways?  Why are so many people into games that are old, or pretend to be old.  For instance Geometry Wars was made to look like old vector graphics games.  Puppy Games try to make theirs look like they belong to some oldschool game compilation or something, yet still with modern sound, and cool effects that you couldn’t get.  I think there’s a lot of reasons.  For me I get a chance to play games that were fun to me when I was a kid, and still are.  Also some new games aren’t as fun as games used to be.  They try to make it hyper-realistic, or accurate controls.  Some first person shooters just have too many darn controls. 


Last Man Standing – Can you stand alone against Skyn… I mean Skullnet?

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009


Remember those wondrous days of yesteryear where nothing excited us more than a couple of colored blocks on screen, and a little bleep and bloop?  There was a console, arguably the first successful one for the home called the Atari VCS more commonly known as the Atari 2600?  You do?  Well do you remember one of the big launch titles for the 2600?  Yep Combat, and a variation within combat?  Common now, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten good ol’ Tank?  Okay admittedly I thought I remembered the game being only Tank, which is based on the arcade version of Tank by Kee and Atari games.  However Tank and it’s variations were added into the Combat cartridge with various other battle type games.  Anyways, it was always fun playing Tank and it’s various variations, and nailing the other guy.  Especially Tank Pong, where you could bounce shots off the walls.  Nothing like reliving the good ol’ days.  Well what this has to do with our next game is that it, also is a tank game.  It’s called Last Man Standing, by IronCode Software.  Let’s figure out if it’s something worth buying or not.


(xblig) Totem – Me Likem Totem

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Apr22According to  Merriam-Webster online a totem is “1) an object (as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry, and is also a usually carved or painted representation of such an object and 2) one that serves as an emblem or revered symbol”.  Although the term is of Ojibwa (largest group of Native Americans north of Mexico) origin, totemistic beliefs are not limited to Native American Indians. Similar totemism-like beliefs have been historically present throughout much of the world, including Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, Australia and the Arctic polar region.  A totem pole is a large sculpture carved out of a tree, and may include these totems as described above.  What does this have to do with our next XBLCG game?  It’s called Totem, of course!  According to the official description Totem is “Intense matching Totem destruction! Two game modes…survival and adventure complete with 28 levels and 4 elemental bosses.”  Let’s see if it stacks up to that definition.
