Posts Tagged ‘point’n’click’

(ags) Blackwell Legacy – Ghost Detectives?!? Oy…er…Oh Boy! – AGS

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

This next game review is about another AGS game by Wadjet Eye Games.  From the company that brought you The Shivah, comes another interesting adventure game called The Blackwell Legacy.  Also set in New York City.  It tells of the adventures of Rosangela Blackwell, an aspiring writer.BlackwellLegacySS01


Death vs Monsters – Death takes a holiday and kicks some a…ahem posterior region. – Flash

Friday, March 20th, 2009

Okay today is the first ever Flash Friday.  What is Flash Friday you ask?  Glad you asked.  I’m going to be reviewing flash games on Friday’s, just like Wednesday’s are XBLCG hump days.  And adventure games are sure to keep you out of the “I Hate Mondays” doldrums.  So without further ado, the review.  (Ha! I rhymed)

What are two of the most awesome things in the world?  Er… no, I mean after pirates, and ninja’s… umm… and after zombies and samurai… and killer robots and giant robots… and after great burgers and chili-dogs and after Mountain Dew (okay so some of you may not like Mt. Dew, but ask almost any computer programmer and they’ll say Mt. Dew is the greatest), and even after really hot chicks…  And now you got it, that’s right the two most awesome things in the world after pirates, ninja’s, zombies, samurai, killer robots, giant robots, burgers, chili-dogs, Mt. Dew, oh and I forgot dwarves and elves, after all of that, the two most awesome things in the world are, you guessed it, Death and Monsters!DeathVMonstersSS01


(xblig) Mithra – Episode 1: The Phantom Game – XBLCG

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Okay not really a phantom game.  Today’s game review is for another XBOX Live Community Games trial called Mithra: Episode 1, Chapter 1 – by Afiction Games – Not sure why it’s only the first chapter of the first episode.  I kind of got the impression that there were chapters in each episode, as this game is supposed to be spanning 5 total episodes.MithraSS01
