Posts Tagged ‘fun’

New Star Grand Prix – It’s time to burn some rubber.

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

May14 Okay I’ve got a confession to make.  No, not that kind of confession.  Sheesh, what kind of person do you think I am?!?  Okay what is this big shocking confession I have?  I don’t drive.  Yep that’s it.  I’m 33 years old, and I’ve never actually driven.  I’ve had my driver’s permit when I was a teen, but there was no time usually to teach me driving.  So here I am I live with my Dad, and anywhere that needs drivin’ he does it.  Okay so now we’ve got that out of the way, let’s just say I like racing games.  I’m not usually very good at them, but I enjoy them.  Okay so with that in mind let’s sit back and imagine what it’s like to be behind the wheel of one of these formula 1 jobs, or whatever.  I’m strapped into this tiny cockpit.  If I was claustrophobic I would probably be panic right now, but I’m cool.  Cool in the sense of being okay, but definitely not cool in the sense of body temperature.  In fact I’m burning up.  The fact that it’s an open cockpit gives me no relief as i’m snug in my flame retardant jumpsuit, all wrapped up like a present on Christmas.  Pretty wrapping too as I’m wearing all kinds of patches from various sponsors.  My helmet makes it certain that I can only see what’s directly in front of me, like blinders on a wary horse.  The gloves fitting on my hands like a second skin.  I grip the steering wheel, just waiting to be let go.  The car is humming underneath me.  Suddenly the lights go out, or turn green, or a checkered flag is dropped, pick your poison, all that matters is that it’s go time.  Suddenly I fly out and I can feel the road vibrate underneath me as I’m reaching unheard of speeds.


(xblig) A Fading Melody – Or why I learned to stop worrying and love naked chicks.

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

May13 Thought that might get your attention hehe.  I’m only referring to A Fading Melody’s silhouetted heroine.  She’s not really naked as such.  It’s just an outline.  In any case, I wouldn’t deliberately review anything that really had naked chicks in it, I mean, this is a family blog after all.  Well I mean everyone in the family can read without feeling offended.  In any case this game is just not like that, so stop wishing!  Now I told you to stop that!  Go look at some mud flaps or something.  Even they are a little more “explicit” than this game is.  Okay okay so let’s get on to the game.  A Fading Melody is a platform game made for Xbox Live Community Games by Anchorcast, (Christian Seehausen).  Here’s the official description of the game – “Bring color and light back into the world of a coma patient as you run, leap, and roll your way through seven challenging levels. Fight off the fading darkness by stomping monsters, and watch as color returns to the black-and-white world of the game. A deep and powerful story unfolds as you progress through the levels. Discover how you got into the coma even as you fight your way out of it!”


Snake worlds – Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?!?

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

May12 I don’t know if I like the idea of worlds of snakes.  They just can’t leave those slithery snakes alone.  There’s like a bazillion snake-based games out there, and still people make more.  And yet the games are fun.  Take Atomic Worm for instance.  It was a new twist on an old favorite.  It was also abstracted enough that it didn’t exactly resemble traditional snake.  In any case that didn’t stop Patrick Kooman from making his Snake Worlds.  What else can you do with a snake type game.  Eat stuff, grow, try not to run into yourself.  Well he managed to take it into 3 dimensions.  I don’t mean some other 3d ones that are still essentially 2d versions, but actual 6 degrees of freedom.  Okay well not really.  It takes place on a sphere so technically it could be said that’ it’s also essentially 2D.  But at least he does it in a cool an unusual way.  In the game you play the role of Snakey, the wonderful devourer of worlds intent on destroying earth!  Watch as he grows when he starts eating people.  Laugh as he gets ridiculously huge and looks like a giant sock with multiple legs.  Cry when you realize that all of earth is gone because one little snake got too big for his britches.  Naaaaaahhhhh…. Just kidding.  There’s no story and no eating people, although that would be pretty cool.  In actuality you’re eating “food” and I use that term loosely, as they look like dog bones or something.  It’s pretty much like other snake games, except a globe instead of a flat plane, and you eat and as you eat you get longer. 
