Posts Tagged ‘review’

(ags) Blackwell Unbound – Another Ghost (detective) story.

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Apr20How about another AGS game by Wadjet Eye Games.  From the developer of the The Shivah and the Blackwell Legacy, comes another Blackwell game called Blackwell Unbound.  Let’s go back in time to 1973, this time it’s not about Rosangela, it’s about her aunt Lauren.  This is also set in New York City as apparently are most of Wadjet Eye Games’ settings.  It will change when we get to Emerald City Confidential in a future review.  Looks like Dave Gilbert topped himself yet again.  Let’s see what he has in store for us next.

Special Note:  It’s listed on the games page as being under the Shivah, indicating possibly being the second game, it’s actually cheaper than Legacy.  So I might be wrong in thinking this is the second game made.  Unless it was made after as a prequel.  In any case maybe someone can clarify.



Tri-Tower Solitaire – As if there aren’t enough solitaire games out there.

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Apr17 Solitaire is old as time itself.  Okay well maybe as old as playing cards.  Actually in British English it’s known as “Patience”.  In any case, Tri Towers, also known as Tri Peaks, Three Peaks, or Triple Peaks is a solitaire variation, and was actually created in 1989 by Robert Hogue.  So it’s actually a fairly new game.  In any case 18 cards are placed face down in three, three-tiered pyramids.  (In other words 6 in each pyramid with 3 levels).  Over these are ten face up cards placed along the bottom “row”.  The rest are used as a “stock” pile.  Then there’s the waste pile, one card is turned over for that.  The point of the game is to get the next higher or lower in rank as the card in the waste pile, into which it also goes in the waste pile.  For instance a 5, can either have a 6 or a 4 laid on it.  It doesn’t matter what suit it is or color it is.  Once you can’t find anymore cards to put into the waste pile, you can start going through the stock pile until you do.  You keep playing it until you’ve either cleared all the cards in the pyramid or wasted all you stock pile cards.  If you clear it, you win.


Droid Assault – All your droid belong to us!

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Apr16 What could be more awesome than fighting off alien invaders with your puny ship?  Or fighting off robots with your one robot?  You know the movie we’ve all been waiting for Star Wars: Salvation, where we finally get to see the Droid Wars.  If that movie was going to be made, and it had a movie tie-in game then Droid Assault would be it!  Wait a sec, cooler than fighting robots off with your one robot, isn’t that what this is?  Well no, the only thing that could be cooler than that would be fighting off waves or robots with your own robot army!  That’s right, instead of Robotron-style arena-based droid combat against impossible odds, you get Robotron-style arena-based multi-droid combat against incredible odds!  That’s just what this is too!  Unfortunately we don’t get to see C3P0 take on a Cyberdyne Systems model 101, but we can at least pretend. 
