Posts Tagged ‘Shooter’

Space Falcon Commander – Fast ship? You’ve never heard of the Space Falcon? – Flash

Friday, March 27th, 2009

"Should I have?"
"It’s the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I’ve outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I’m talking about the big Corellian ships now. She’s fast enough for you old man. What’s the cargo?"

SpaceFalconCommanderSS01Okay okay, so that was the Millennium Falcon.  But now we have the Space Falcon.  Space Falcon Commander that is.  Just what IS Space Falcon Commander, you ask?  It’s a game.  “I know it’s a game, you imbecile!” I hear you shout in your minds!  It’s a game for the iPhone.  Ahhh… Wait a second, Uhfgood, you don’t do iPhone games, do you?  You’re quite right, I don’t have an iPhone, or an iPod Touch, which by the way if anyone could oblige me with one, I’ll be happy to review iPhone games, er that is, if you can actually play a demo on those things.  Maybe they’re so low priced, they don’t do demos?  However since this is Flash Friday, I had the opportunity to play a flash version of it.


(xblig) Biology Battle – Everybody, into the miniaturizer! – XBLCG

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

BiologyBattle_SS00 Ever wonder what it’s like to be miniaturized and injected into the body of a rabbit?  Well neither did Lt. Tuck Pendleton as he mistakenly gets injected into hypochondriac Jack Putter!  I mean whoa, flashback to the 80’s!  Where was I?  Oh yeah, miniaturization.  My next XBLCG review is for a game called Biology Battle by Novaleaf Game Studios.  In it you play a nanobot?  What?  You can’t play a nanobot, that’s not really a character?  Well be that as it may you are a teeny, tiny, teensy, weensy, little nanobot.  So small in fact you can fit into a cell!  And that’s just what you do too.  You go into a cell to do some battle!  Some BIOLOGY BATTLE!


TWTPB – To Win The Peanut Butter

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009



Wha-huh?  Top Wafer Thin Pizza Batter?  To Win Twenty Pieces Back?  Till Wind Tears Prairie Bears?  Tough Women Tickle  Poor Boys?  Oh wait I got it – Twenty Wait to Pay Bills, sounds like a headline doesn’t it?  Heck I gotta million of ‘em.  We could create acronyms till the cows came home.  I don’t really understand what the letters mean either.  But our next game is called T.W.T.P.B.  And again I say “Wha-huh?”  This doesn’t really give you any idea of what this game is about, but that’s where I come in.
