Archive for the ‘Shooter’ Category

Death vs Monsters – Death takes a holiday and kicks some a…ahem posterior region. – Flash

Friday, March 20th, 2009

Okay today is the first ever Flash Friday.  What is Flash Friday you ask?  Glad you asked.  I’m going to be reviewing flash games on Friday’s, just like Wednesday’s are XBLCG hump days.  And adventure games are sure to keep you out of the “I Hate Mondays” doldrums.  So without further ado, the review.  (Ha! I rhymed)

What are two of the most awesome things in the world?  Er… no, I mean after pirates, and ninja’s… umm… and after zombies and samurai… and killer robots and giant robots… and after great burgers and chili-dogs and after Mountain Dew (okay so some of you may not like Mt. Dew, but ask almost any computer programmer and they’ll say Mt. Dew is the greatest), and even after really hot chicks…  And now you got it, that’s right the two most awesome things in the world after pirates, ninja’s, zombies, samurai, killer robots, giant robots, burgers, chili-dogs, Mt. Dew, oh and I forgot dwarves and elves, after all of that, the two most awesome things in the world are, you guessed it, Death and Monsters!DeathVMonstersSS01


Turtle Shepherd – If Babe was about a turtle, it would be this game.

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

QUICK NOTE: Apparently Mystic Peanut Entertainment no longer exists, although the game wasn’t that great I think the developer had a good start that is, they completed a game and we all know how hard that is. I’m leaving this post up for posterity but the links have been removed.

Today’s review is going to be my most negative so far.  Most computer games are massive undertakings.  Although you can do it with a single person, it’s better to have more than one.  Even lone-wolf developers outsource some artwork and so forth.  This is why it’s understandable that not every game can be fun, or a hit.  Today’s game is called Turtle Shepherd, by Mystic Peanut Entertainment.  In it you play a turtle named Tuki, who has grown up enough, that he has to get a Job.  And what’s a turtle to do for work?  Why herding sheep of course!  This would be pretty cute if it didn’t have some flaws.  It’s a 3D game in the third person.TurtleShepherdSS01


(xblig) ZP2K9 – Zombies and Pirates and Guns, Oh my! – XBLCG

Monday, March 9th, 2009

I’m not talking about some twisted version of the Wizard of Oz, although that would be supremely cool.  I’m talking about ZP2K9.  What is ZP2K9. you ask?  Glad you asked that.  ZP2K9. or Zombies verses Pirates 2009 by Ska Studios is a platform-scrolling, gun toting, zombie marching, pirate plundering, shoot-fest for XBox Live Community Games!

ZP2K9. is basically a death-match style 2d platform-scrolling shooter.  You take on the role of the titular zombie or pirate and attempt to blast other players or bots (AI agents).  That’s pretty much it.  When you setup your player you can choose either the human team, or the zombie team.  Each “team” has seven skins – A dude, a Ninja, a chick, a Pirate, a “crusader” or knight, a Viking, and a Samurai.  There are three game types, single player, xbox live multiplayer, and system link multiplayer.  Unfortunately I was only able to review the single player, and only 8 minutes at a time.  But I believe this was enough.

