What if you took Magic: the Gathering and combined it with Dungeons and Dragons. That would just be like so full of cool you’d be frozen when you played it. Well SpellBlazer by Seismic Studios is not like that, luckily for all cold-blooded animals. Okay so there is elements of an RPG, and then a card game in between. If you are particularly astute you will find that Seismic actually developed Wagons HO! which I did the programming on. So SpellBlazer was designed by the same guy. Of course I had nothing to do with SpellBlazer as I was contract programmer for Wagons Ho. Actually it’s been a fair bit since I played it so even though I know there are card based battles, I don’t really remember much about it. Well let’s see what we got here.
Posts Tagged ‘independent’
SpellBlazer – Part card, part role-playing, all game! – flash
Friday, April 3rd, 2009Ultratron – Avenge the human race!
Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 Remember back in the day there was a game called Robotron: 2084, yep where you were one of the human remnants and you had to save the last few humans from the robot onslaught. All-out no-holds-barred man-on-robot action! Well now you can relive those glory days with Ultratron by Puppy Games. Only this time the human race was wiped out. You’re the last humanoid battle droid, and now it’s time for payback! All-out no-holds-barred robot-on-robot action! Eat it evil killer robots!
(xblig) bricks4ever – xblcg
Wednesday, April 1st, 2009Breakout of the mold!
You ever just wanna break stuff? Of course you have! We all have. That’s why we have Breakout and clones. Breakout was sort of based on Pong (the first commercially successful arcade game). Like if you flipped Pong on it’s side so it’s vertical, and like added bricks, and then removed a player, then you would have Breakout. Over the years it’s had it’s share of imitators, most notable being Arkanoid for the arcade. Arkanoid added several innovations in addition to actually adding graphics, it added things like dropping brick power-ups. You knew someone had to do it for XBLCG. Actually there is at least one more Breakout clone in community games. I’ll probably review that some other time. (Maybe I should have done both of them today, ahh well.) In any case this new one is called bricks4ever, yeah real creative name there, by Running Pixel. I guess if they’ve used all the names you can think of, you tend to grab for whatever will set you apart.